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Goiko Demon Hunter

Goiko Demon Hunter

I traveled to Japan two times and, probably, when you will read these lines I will be in Japan again. Japan, for an italian, is like going in the magic Land of Opposites. People are nicely quite and polite. Streets are damn clean. Trains arrive always on time. I know, I know: "oh gosh, you and your horrible, vulgar, stereotypes!". Well, Italians must hear you everyday calling our noble salame "pepperoni" (which means "sweet peppers" in italian...), so I hope Japanese people could bear an italian that is amazed by the cleaning of his streets. 

This kit contains a single Goiko Demon Hunter, made with the most おいしい resin of our world.

  • Size and Scale

    Our miniatures are sculpted in wargame scale (heroic 32mm).

    A standard dwarf is 23-24mm height.

€ 12,50Price
VAT Included
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