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Dwarf Kings
  • Dwarf Kings

    A feast of dwarven glory—that's how I would describe this kit!

    With over 50 components (I think it's 51 or 52!), this kit represents the pinnacle (for now!) of the Ranks&Files Dwarves range—a wholehearted declaration of love for this archetype!

    I tried to include every option available in the game, offering several aesthetic variations for many of them to choose from. Honestly, I would have added even more if Valerio hadn't forced me into a therapy session at some point.

    The psychologist says there's nothing wrong with me and my overwhelming passion for Dwarves. On the contrary, he says it's a healthy passion that I should nurture.

    So, I guess sooner or later, I'll have to expand this kit!

    For now, though, I’d say there’s plenty of material here to work with for a few months!


    This glorious digital kit allows you to assemble a mighty Runic Anvil, including a Runelord and two Anvil Guards.

    The files are pre-supported, tested, and fully modular with the other kits of this range.

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      You are not allowed to edit or modify this 3d sculpt, but you can 3d print it at whatever size you want to.

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