The first focus concerning the new kits designed for the incoming KS campaign could only have had one name: Durgin (and his beloved peka, Grud)!
This new incarnation of DPF mascot has been based on an illustration I commissioned almost 7 years ago that I never find a way to use:

When I decided to make a big-scale range, I knew I had the chance to make not "only" visually appealing characters full of intricate details, but I also had in front of me an opportunity to portray more narrative-oriented scenes and frame the classic fantasy subject in an unusual way.
I look at 75mm figures not only as big canvas to paint but also as real display pieces, even in their "raw" nature of unpainted resin kits.
I made this conversation some years ago with an amazing sculptor, Valentin Zak (the owner of Ammon Miniatures and creator of many incredible masterpieces): in his opinion, 75mm (and above) sculpts don't even need to be painted, because the sculpt itself worth to be displayed "as it is".
The painter in me, I confess, was a bit triggered but the more I think about it, the more I agree with him. This, potentially, can open an interesting debate around the concept itself of miniature art, above all when we reason about big-scale figures that fall outside the gaming context, so they are essentially made to be displayed: would you display a 75mm kit, as it is, in your living room/hobby room?
I think that our houses are full of objects that are displayed without nobody thinking about painting them (I don't know: vases, ornaments, my mother-in-law collects frames and display them without canvas inside..) so why not think about miniature kits as potential...design objects?
I think that with proper assembling, a nice and classy plinth and just a smooth overcoat of a color of your choice, a 75mm figure can be displayed and add a touch of creativity to your hobby room (or even your home!).
This convoluted thought brings us to the reason why I decided to design not only classic fantasy subjects (the tough Dwarf, the noble Elf, the towering Orc), but also more complex scenes, I'd dare to say more "little-dioramas".
I wanted to portray something that anybody, whether is involved in this hobby or not, could understand and enjoy.

I loved relaxed scenes based on daily life. It's something that it's not easy to see in the wargaming scale because 32mm figures generally are made to be inserted in wargames and boardgames, so "action" is the watchword: for obvious reasons, a character designed to fit in a wargame must be coherent with that context. As I said above, this new dimension gives me the chance to explore the fantasy world I have in mind from a different perspective, so I asked myself: how do these characters behave when they are not involved in battle?
With this scene, I wanted to show another side of the daily life of Durgin the wanderer: if you spend most of your life outside, busy with a long and lonely quest, you need to take a nap and rest, once in a while.
I want to show, above all, the bond between the Dwarf and his peka: these creatures are highly taken into consideration by their owners, it's not just a relationship between a beast of burden and the master, they are full members of the family.
This scene is essential, I didn't want to put too many details on it: instead, I want to keep plain surfaces and let the painters interpret them as they wanted to.
If you like to paint with textures, this kit is made for you: fur, leather, glass, metals, wood, fabric, there are plenty of elements that are open to your personal taste.
This scene can be set as a nocturnal scene (as in the original illustration), or as an afternoon nap. Durgin is a free spirit, so I wanted this sculpt to reflect it and give you the same vibe.

"Chilling" is something I wanted to make for a very long time, and I'm happy with how it came out. It has been printed at a slightly smaller size than a canonic 75mm scale (I printed about 15% smaller) because I feared that this subject would be too big and exhausting to paint, according to a proper 75mm scale, but I'm sure that you will be impressed by it (Grud is still a big boy, after all!). Moreover, Durgin and Grud are separate elements, so you can set this scene freely: maybe you can put Durgin resting towards a tree, or borrow the old Grud for another diorama.
I can't wait to see your take on this kit!
have you updates for us, when your special figures are ready for orders - "chilling", "Quicksilver" or "lunchtime ????
There are not many relaxed miniatures out there... And every relaxed pose has in my humble opinion compete against my personel gold standard of a relaxed scratchbuild diorama from the master himself:
Droppod_04.jpg (2644×2300) (benkomets.com) Bu your two relaxed old travelers offer a great kit to start right out from the box...kudos for that
This may be the one I am most excited about...no wait its the Orc Mercenary. Oh! Wait! Look at Lunchtime, I want that one....AND I'll take an Iron Crow Veteran. Is that a Vespa?!?! I want that one too.
Forget it DPF, just give me them all!
I can't wait for this KS