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Bundle review: the Mighty Mega Box!

What I love the most, as many collectors out there, is the "special edition" of, well, anything. Show me an exclusive edition of your, I don't know, 30 years aged whiskey Carmen Abuela's taco sauce and I'll probably throw my money outside the window, hoping they find the right currents to arrive in Mexico.

Of course, miniatures market is ideal for exclusive/special edition stuff because it is moved principally by the passion to collect something (and, if you are buried into stippling technique like me, probably also to exorcize our inner serial killer) and of course the more precious a thing is, the more exalted we are.

With this in mind, when I made the previous KS campaign, I was determined to make a kind of exclusive edition of my miniatures, and being me a megalomaniac guy, I decided to call it "Mighty Mega Box".

Talking about a Kickstarter campaign, I think that the Mighty Mega Box is a perfect product because, even if it has the higher price, as the several funding goals are unlocked it gains more and more stuff for free: during the last campaign, for example, the MMB started with 15 miniatures inside and, at the end of the campaign, it gets 10 new characters and a lot of stretch goals!

There is some kind of zen pleasure in pledging for the big reward and then just wait comfortably till the campaign is over, knowing that you won't miss a thing.


The Mighty Mega Box contains all the 17(+ a dog) miniatures we have designed for this range plus the exclusive Agent of M.A.S.K C, which has not a super inspired name but luckily has a super inspired sculpt:

I thought a lot about what kind of exclusive miniature to design for the MMB, and, believe me, it has been really hard to decide. Bluecoats, for example, proved to be the favorite bundle of the community, so I thought about designing another Bluecoat character, but then I realized that it's not fair to spoil a kid that has already so much love.

So I thought about designing a Redcoat character, because they are the mama's boys (ok, papa's boy, or even better, papà's boys, I don't honestly know what pope Francesco thinks about our miniatures), but then I felt guilty, because I didn't want the exclusive miniature to be designed for my pleasure.

Then, I realized that Bluecoats and Redcoats have their big centerpieces, unlike the Arcane Bundle, and my inner socialist soul screamed to restore the original balance in the Force.

For this reason, I decided to design a M.A.S.K character!

I'm very happy about my choice, because this character not only attenuates that sausage festival vibe that had the Arcane Bundle, but has also a very dramatic, I dare to say theatrical mood that I like so much.

Talking about exclusive stuff, of course the Mighty Mega Box has access to exclusive Stretch Goals, like Alternative Mask designed to tempt you to buy two Iron Titans, or the exclusive Flonzo Mighty Knight that, unfortunately, is not ready yet (but you will see it soon, don't worry).

As I've written few lines above, pledging for the Mighty Mega Box you will receive all the Stretch Goals that we will unlock during the campaign, like for example these two new entries: The Magic Chest and the Weird Beaks Set:

As you may imagine, these stretch goals will be also inserted in the Arcane Bundle (the Magic Chest) and the Bluecoats Bundle (the Weird Beaks Set), but why to struggle to remember all these brainy infos, when you might pledge for the big reward and forget all the pain?! *jedi's hand move*


The Mighty Mega Box is the flagship of this project, and represents this new range in all its facets. As a manufacturer, it's really fulfilling to have the extra budget for polishing a bit all those details that make special something, like a proper packaging or extra stuff to delight you: with this second Mighty Mega Box, I can show you how much we are grown as manufacturers.

If you are in love with our work, and if you want to be those people who, when Durgin Paint Forge will be as powerful as Disney, can say "I was there, young children of Summer!", this is the pledge for you.

The Mighty Mega Box is the pinnacle of our efforts and cares and the bond between a creator, useless without an audience, and all of you. It has the scent of freshly baked lasagna on holidays with family.

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