Well, what can I say? I didn't expect Alberto to receive so much appreciation! When I posted the announcement for the painting contest, I confess I was hoping to reach at least 30-40 participants, a respectable number! Well, to this day I've printed, cleaned, packaged, and boxed a total of 143 copies of Alberto, not to mention all those who downloaded the .stl file and have already started printing their own! Of course, I don't expect all those who adopted an Alberto or printed one to participate in the contest, but if even just half of the participants managed to prepare an entry, it would be nothing short of an epic event! First of all, I have to apologize: the volume of models to print and prepare for shipping has considerably slowed down my plans! However, I must say I'm really pleased with the success this initiative has had within the ranks of our fantastic community. I hope all of you will have fun, and you have no idea how curious I am to see your works!
Despite the extremely limited budget (unfortunately, August is an unlucky month for those working in Italy, as it's when a substantial portion of the annual taxes are due!), I thought of making the most of my new thermal printer to polish the box you'll receive, creating some really nice labels with a truly minimal investment. Nothing incredible, mind you, but I like to take care of the details to the best of my ability!
I hope you'll receive your Alberto as quickly as possible, and don't forget to share your progress and results on social media, using the hashtags #albertothecontest and #durginpaintforge. It's a small favor that I hope can bring more visibility not only to the event itself but also to my future projects! Certainly, Alberto's contest will be just the first of many events like this: simple, accessible, and wildly creative! Thanks again to all of you for responding to this initiative with such great enthusiasm: the mighty Alberto is pleased!
gentle wo:men, start your Printers ツ